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Established by the Government of India as a UNDP assisted project with the active support of UNIDO as the executing agency, Fluid Control Research Institute is a national Centre, registered under the Societies Act and comes under the Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government of India. It is an Independent organization and its affairs and activities are managed by a duly constituted Governing Council.
The Institute represents the first serious attempt to provide a frame of reference and standardization to critical aspects of fluid control and measurement in Industrial processes. The Institute provides the basic framework for technological development for the flow products industry and also serves as a national certifying authority and high quality calibration laboratory.
The institute has grown into a full-fledged quality assurance centre for the core sector industry and is on par with similar establishments in developed countries. Please visit the succeeding contents page of our website to see a complete overview of what is available in FCRI to cater to the requirements of the process industries in fluid flow measurements and control techniques.